My name is Dennif

I'm a full stack software engineer and architectural designer based in Seattle.

Most Recent


Hi there!
I’d like to introduce you to some of the projects I’ve been working on:

Music Player: A simple but super kawaii music player.

Mexican Game: Help fight off gentrifiers and survive to avoid being displaced  while enjoying a beer in Mexico City.

Virtual Pet: A virtual pet that will accompany you everywhere and keep you entertained with its fun mini-games.
I’m still working on improving it, but feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think.

Music Player

Built a music player application using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, focusing on enhancing web
development and user interface design skills.
Implemented dynamic user interfaces and logic to handle song transitions, playback state, and real-time
updates. Integrated event listeners for user interactions and manipulated the DOM to reflect the current
state of the music player.
Implemented playlist management and playback control, enabling users to play, pause, shuffle, and
navigate through a list of songs. Utilized JavaScript to handle arrays and objects for managing playlists
and song details.
Migrated music player application to React, improving code structure and maintainability.

Mexican Game

Initiated my skills in game development by creating a text-based adventure game using JavaScript,
HTML, and CSS.
Implemented game state management to track player stats, inventory and interactions with game elements, including combat mechanics, in-game purchases and easter eggs.
Developed dynamic user interfaces and game logic to handle player actions, transitions between game scenes, and real-time updates.

Lulu Pou Virtual Pet

Developed a virtual pet game in Unity, featuring resource management, virtual economy, and mini games.
Designed and programmed mini games inspired by Flappy Bird and Space Invaders, utilizing Unity2D
physics, instantiation of enemies and obstacles, collision detection, parallax scrolling, shooting mechanics, and event triggers.
Implemented resource management mechanics, requiring players to monitor and replenish the pet’s
health and energy over time. Players earn virtual currency by winning mini games, which can be used to
purchase items that enhance the pet’s stats.
Built state managers for store, mini games, pet and UI components.